
My journey was amazing and thanks to AEC

學生名稱 :YAU Janice
升讀院校 :The University of Adelaide

I have been in Adelaide, Australia, for 5 years already. Time flies. I now found a marketing job and studying for a master’s degree. But back in 2018, I could never imagine I would graduate from university without failing any courses.

I would like to thank Emily for always being there for me. From foundation to undergraduate to postgraduate, she kept all my records and followed me up once I graduated to check on my plan (for god sake, she believes I could graduate on time haha).

Anyway, it was fun throughout this journey. I tried many things, and no word can describe how grateful I am for choosing Adelaide. Still remember my parents and Emily chose this place for me because ‘it’s good for studying’. Trust me. You guys will not say that again if you let me bring you to visit around Adelaide.